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6 octobre 2007 6 06 /10 /octobre /2007 13:23
Tout comme Carlo Allegrini, Alexandros Xiarchos (directeur de fédération grecque de nage avec palme(s)) a souhaité réagir aux interrogations de Thomas Chastagner sur le dopage.

"I am Alexandros Xiarchos the director of sports of the Greek finswimming federation.
When I read your interview I was furious, because no one have the right to blot the fame of the athlete Tsourounakis. I want to inform everyone that our athlete Tsourounakis world champion and word holder record in 400 and 800 immersion was tested for drugs and he was clear. So you are liar or at least fool.
Personally me and of course the Greek finswimming federation will do any legal action from no.
I also want to thanks Davide Manca who informs everyone about your theory about the top finswimmers athletes.
P.S. About the theory for oxigen in the bottle of Tsourounakis you are liar again. The Bari organising committee filled the bottles of all athletes.

Alexander Xiarchos"

Propos provenant de NPSV - Nord Padania Sub Varedo
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Suite aux différentes interventions sur ce Forum concernant l'interview publiée de Monsieur Thomas CHASTAGNER, la Fédération Française d'Etudes et de Sports Sous Marins par la voix du président de la Commission Nationale de Nage Avec Palmes tient à préciser que les propos tenus par Monsieur CHASTAGNER sont strictement de sa responsabilité personnelle et n'engagent en rien la FFESSM.After the various interventions on this Forum concerning the interview published of Mr Thomas CHASTAGNER, the French Underwater Federation by the voice of the President of the National Commission of Finswimming makes a point of specifying that the remarks made by Mr CHASTAGNER are strictly of his personal responsability and the FFESSM does not recognize and engage.